


Blockchain in the family tree of technology is the head, with its branches spread into various propositions. Blockchain has a vast source of technology development in the business industry, corporate industry, manufacturing, IT and communications.
The adoption of Blockchain Technology is gradually becoming the need of the hour, with a vision to enable transparency within sectors, prevent and protect data fraudulation and promote a tamper free zone to store resources and information.


Blockchain Services

Private Blockchain
Supply Chain Development
Permissioned Blockchain
Blockchain POC Development
Smart Contracts
Blockchain IOT
Decentralized Applications (Dapps)
Hyperledger Fabric


The private distributed ledger is centralized and requires permissions. It is governed by an authority or entity and is capable to allow rule changes, transaction reversals and modifications. It enables more privacy due to its regulated form, where the entity controls, who has access to which part of blockchain. All transaction costs are dictated by one entity in private blockchain.

Supply Chain

Supply chains operate like a "hall of mirrors" with billions, of document copies duplicated between parties. The result? Enormous complexity. Tracking, reconciling & verifying products is hugely challenging. But there’s a solution. With blockchain strategies in place, substantial cost & efficiency benefits are achievable-- by connecting suppliers & customers to enormous reductions in transaction volumes & irregularities. Problems with reconciliation, miscommunication & poor contract enforcement can evaporate. Shifting to one common blockchain journal of data can provide a massive opportunity for your enterprise.


Apparently decentralized, permissioned blockchain has a greater degree of privacy than other blockchains. The “read” permission of the blockchain is restricted to its participants, and the consensus in this blockchain is controlled by preselected set of nodes. Here, participants on the blockchain can agree to rule changes, transaction reversals and modifications. The cost of transaction in a permissioned blockchain is agreed to, by the consortium.

POC Development

Defining feasibility, possibilities & goals that can be achieved through blockchain projects, proof of concept is a prototype that demonstrates a possible solution to implement blockchain in an industry. Blockchain POC Development will majorly cover 3 stages, identifying the scope of blockchain implementation through a theoretical explanation of set proposals. Secondly, creating a prototype of the design layout, markups, sample architecture & developing the MVP product. Lastly, delivering a fully developed MVP, with provision for feedbacks, the changes later will resemble actual deliverables.

Smart Contracts

These are self-executing contracts with the term of agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. Also known as a cryptotract, smart contracts is a computer program that directly controls the transfer of digital assets between parties. With the use of smart contracts, we can simplify and automate the repetitive processes in legal and financial fields.

Blockchain IOT

IOT allows devices to send data to private blockchain ledgers for inclusion in shared transactions with tamper-resistant records. Blockchain enables your business partners to access and supply IoT data without the need for central control and management. Each transaction can be verified to prevent disputes and ensure each partner is held accountable for their individual roles.

Applications (Dapps)

Distributed, resilient, transparent, incentivized applications that aim to remap the technological landscape, decentralized applications connect users and providers directly and don’t require a middleman to function or to manage information. DApps run on a peer-to-peer network of computers and have an unlimited number of participants in the market.


An open-source enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger technology platform, designed for use in enterprise contexts, hyperledger fabric delivers some key differentiating capabilities over other popular distributed ledger or blockchain platforms. A hyperledger fabric is the first distributed ledger platform to support smart contracts authored in general-purpose programming languages and has a highly modular and configurable architecture, enabling innovation and optimization for a broad range of industry use cases, that of banking, finance, insurance, healthcare and supply chain.